Friday, December 12, 2008

The Nascence of a Dream

I'm sitting here at The Mystic Mocha Cafe imbibing a Monster size dark Hot Chocolate topped with dark chocolate whipped cream! I know you would enjoy it with me! I can tell you this, as I mentioned's not about the Hot Chocolate, it's about the conversation:)! The Hot Chocolate is a reward for feeling good about my contribution to Fitness with my clients, friends, and self.

Sitting beneath the magnificent King Palm trees seems to be the perfect setting for my inaugural posting. I've actually just completed a 10 mile bike in view of the Mountains and Ocean so the quality of natural drugs my body has produced is the perfect pairing with the chocolate and it puts me in an emotional place for sharing with you, my thoughts .

I wish you were sitting here, but know this; we are connected, and this adventure I live is about Life, Fitness, and The Pursuit of Fun. My hope and dream for you is to pursue your own definition of what makes you unique.....find your voice. I look forward to sharing your world view and how we can enhance each other to be the best we can be!

Truly, this life is not a "dress rehearsal" but it is "made up" which means, you can write your own script.......Shakespeare once said, "you, ladies you, whose gentle hearts doth fear the smallest monstrous mouse that creeps on floor, may now perchance both quake and tremble here, when Lion rough in wildest rage doth Roar"! "Roar Lion"! Find your the Lion in your pursuit of Life, Fitness, and Fun.

My hope is that in sharing my Life, Fitness and Pursuit of Fun stuff we will continue to have stunning conversation that will lift us to do good things with our power!

I look forward to sharing my life of fitness and fun with you.......Stay Tuned! It's going to be a zany, wild and woolly ride but it's one we won't regret:)

I can't wait to hear back from you about your great adventures.....let's stay in touch. Can you turn me on to what makes you "sing and zing"?

I'll leave you with two questions:
What if the Hokey Pokey really Is What It's All about?

Why do I get a killer headache when I suck down a Milkshake too fast?

Well, until next time, be good to yourself and don't be afraid to give someone a Bear's good for the Soul.

Peace,Grace,and Beauty


  1. hi BA, it's lw. just read your post while drinking a fresh cup of chai. the overall experience was very sweet.

    so what's next? i could use some inspirational fitness talk.

  2. Hi BA, two of my favorite girls-who-wanna-have-fun from Shakespeare populate the green world of A Midsummer Night's Dream--Hermia and Helena. And check out this early reference to fitness . . .

    "O, I am out of breath in this fond chase.
    The more my prayer, the lesser to my grace." (Act 2, scene 2, 94-95 Helena, on a moonlight jog with Demetrius in the palace wood).

    Love your blog! I linked you on mine.

